Cadillacs and dinosaurs comic book
Cadillacs and dinosaurs comic book

cadillacs and dinosaurs comic book

The comic book reprints from Kitchen Sink and Marvel, and the continuation from Topps Comics, also used the Cadillacs and Dinosaurs name. Cadillacs and Dinosaurs : Time in Overdrive by Schultz, Mark and a great selection of related books, art and collectibles available now at. Kitchen Sink published 14 issues between 19 and it has since been reprinted by several publishers, including Marvel Comics, Dark Horse Comics, and Flesk Publications.

cadillacs and dinosaurs comic book

with Cadillacs and Dinosaurs, Scud: The Disposable Assassin, Bone. production company known for an array of animation, comic books, toys. This was shortly followed by Xenozoic Tales #1 in February 1987. Improving Efforts on Home Consoles While comic book-based video games achieved. Phantom of the Opera (1990): is based on the classic novel from Gaston Leroux.

Cadillacs and dinosaurs comic book series#

Originally published by Kitchen Sink Press, the series began in 1986 with the story “Xenozoic!” which was included in the horror comics anthology Death Rattle #8. Xenozoic Tales is an alternative comic book by Mark Schultz set in a post-apocalyptic future. Cadillacs & Dinosaurs Kitchen Sink Cadillacs & Dinosaurs Topps Caffeine Slave Labor 5, Mar 1991 Reprints Xenozoic Tales 5 in color 6, Apr 1991. Cadillacs and Dinosaurs 2-Cardinallacs and Dimosaurs 2 (22 Cadillacs Kyry Shin Seiki Cardinallacs Gyohuru Chon Beiker) is a 1998 arcade game arcade released by Capcom/Unisoft.It is a side-scrolling beat em up based on the comic book series Xenozoic Tales and Xoniroic Males a lot of fantasy. The title Cadillacs and Dinosaurs and the likenesses of classic Cadillac automobiles were used with the consent of General Motors, which holds the phrase Cadillacs and Dinosaurs as a trademark and has. Information thanks to the Grand Comics Database The comic book reprints from Kitchen Sink and Marvel, and the continuation from Topps Comics, also used the Cadillacs and Dinosaurs name.

cadillacs and dinosaurs comic book

Reprints of the early Kitchen Sink issues of Xenozoic Tales, with new covers. Publication Dates: November 1990 – April 1991

Cadillacs and dinosaurs comic book